The JKA Shotokan Karate-Do World Organization of Canada (JKA-SKD Canada)

JKA-SKD Canada’s function is to bring together various JKA affiliated organizations across Canada dedicated to promoting, teaching and developing Shotokan Karate-Do, while respecting the rules, regulations and directives decreed and promulgated by the Japan Karate Association (JKA).

JKA-SKD Canada’s main objectives are to: sponsor and support local, regional, national and international amateur karate competitions, seminars and other gatherings; sponsor and support seminars and other activities aimed at qualifying and certifying instructors, examiners and judges; and support and assist other Canadian and international organizations dedicated to promoting and developing Shotokan karate.

At present, 47 dojos from Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec are members of the JKA-SKD Canada.

Sensei Don Sharp - Head Instructor, JKA BC

At age 18, Sharp Sensei successfully tested for his Shodan (1st degree black belt) under the legendary Nishiyama Sensei and Sakurai Sensei. He achieved Nidan (2nd degree black belt) at only 20 years of age, and as one of the founders of NASKA (JKA-BC association predecessor), Sharp Sensei continues his karate career as a strong advocate of Shotokan karate (JKA) and dedicated student of Sakurai Sensei.

As one of the highest ranked JKA instructors in Canada, he is considered by many to be the most well rounded Karate instructor in Canada and one of the most successful Canadian athletes of all time in Karate.

He continues to travel to JKA Tokyo Headquarters to gain new skills and knowledge and is often requested as a guest instructor at other JKA clubs around the world. Our dojos in Manitoba wish to extend a genuine 'thank you' to Sensei Sharp for his guidance, hospitality, and genuine desire to help us grow and prosper!

JKA Shotodan Nanadan (7th degree black belt)

JKA A level Instructor; JKA B level Judge; JKA B level Examiner